Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pokemon Go vs. Job Seeker Quest

Here is another article that I posted today on Linkedin, and I am re-posting to my blog. The topic on balancing ones job search with other "priorities".

Below is the URL for the original post:


(Image credit: https://imgflip.com/)

While Pokemon Go is the latest craze and the game looks like a lot of fun to play I do wonder if Job Seekers such as myself should stay strictly focused on our real-world quests rather than chasing imaginary creatures, or if by not playing the game are we robbing ourselves of new opportunities to learn and relax a little?

For me the technology behind the game is fascinating and I have shared some articles on Linkedin about the game and the augmented reality technology involved. While playing the game would provide me with more exposure to augmented reality the truth is I have as yet to download and install the game let alone play it.

As a Job Seeker I believe I must focus my time and energy on my quest to find a new opportunity where I will work with new technologies such as augmented reality. At the same time I do wonder if I am denying myself the opportunity learn more about specific technologies while having some fun in the process.

Looking for work is not always fun and at times it can be quite stressful if you make it so while according to all reports looking for Pokemon can be fun and relaxing (as long as you avoid of trouble).

There are times during a job seekers quest they will find they need to take a short break and possibly take a walk. Whether or not that walk is to capture a breath of fresh air, or to capture imaginary critters is up to them,

In the end it is a matter of balance plus some self discipline with regards to one's focus and priorities.

As always feel free to leave a comment.

Cheers ~ Jim

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