Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So what to do with this blog?

This blog is just one of a number of blogs that I have, and like several others it has sat dormant for much too long.

I've decided that I will use this blog to chronicle my career goals and how I want to implement them. I know that posting about ones career goals and changes in a public blog may not be the smart thing to do, but I need to make a change and pursue what I believe to be the right choice for me, and I need a place to put my thoughts. By posting on a public blog I am hoping that along the way I may meet others who are following a similar career path and maybe we can help each other.

I have over 25 years experience in testing and repairing electronics, and while I still enjoy working with electronics, I am finding that just testing electronics does not satisfy my creative needs, I think I have found something that will satisfy those needs.

I want to start learning all that I can about web hosting, development, and management. I have briefly worked at a web hosting company and have quite a bit of experience in maintaining my own SOHO network. I have also done quite a bit of web content development for my blogs and sites using a WYSIWYG editor. Given my experience and desire I now believe it's time to move up a notch, and utilize my experience and resources to build a web server and run it internal to my own network as a tool to develop the skills I need to move forward.

I am laying out a study plan and plan to start on it shortly. If anyone who stumbles upon this blog is considering or has done something similar then feel free to comment with your suggestions.

That's it for now ~ Jim

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