Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday fun: Grace Hopper on Late Night

Grace Hopper was one of the pioneers in the field of computer science, and as this clip from Late Night with David Letterman shows, she was a great wit too:

Grace Hopper retired from the US Navy with the rank of Rear Admiral, and in the USS Hopper (DDG-70) is named after her. Check out the links below if you want to learn more about Grace Hopper and remember the famous quote often attributed to her: "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission".
Thanks to for posting the clip..

Have a great weekend ~ Jim

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday fun: Collin's Lab - USB Hacking with Arduino

Are you interested in using your Arduino as a USB host? Well then check out Collin Cunningham's video from for some inspiration:

Here are the links related to the video:
Have a great weekend ~ Jim

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday fun: Simon's Cat in 'Sticky Tape'

Have you ever had one of those days? Well it looks like Simon's Cat is having one. Cat vs. Tape = Laughs:

Have a great weekend ~ Jim

Friday, March 04, 2011

Friday fun: Herding Cats @ IKEA

Given the way this last week has gone I feel it's time for another cat herding video, and this video from fits the bill:

IKEA - The furniture for DIY'ers - You build it, you take the blame :)

I've got a really good start on my day off, so I am going to spend some serious time on the Arduino and quite possibly setting up a Free BSD boxen for an unrelated project.

Have a great weekend ~ Jim